

“A Must-Read for Expecting and New Moms: A Detailed Postpartum Schedule. Revealing 9 Types of Schedules Up to Your Baby’s First Year.”

English after Japanese

ちょこちょこ うさこのブログにようこそ!来てくださって嬉しいです。



  • 電動さく乳機を使う
  • 赤ちゃんのスケジュール(眠くなるタイミング)を把握しておく


  • 出産前で赤ちゃんを産んだら どんな生活スケジュールになるか不安な方
  • 産んだばかりで すでに赤ちゃんとの生活に疲弊している方
  • ジーナ式の本を読んだけど、結局どうすればいいかわからない方






と思っていたのに、全然 出ない母乳。母乳を飲ませようと必死でしたが、初めての授乳で、乳首からは出血。授乳のたびに歯を食いしばって痛みを我慢してました。それでも母乳量は増えず。何がいけないんだろう、思い悩んでネットで検索して、母乳外来に通ったり、マッサージにも行きました。










  • 産後1週間後から
  • 2週間~4週間
  • 4週間~6週間
  • 6週間~8週間
  • 8週間~12週間
  • 3か月~4か月
  • 4か月~6か月
  • 6か月~9か月
  • 9か月~12か月

!注意! スケジュールは目安として、ゆるゆると実行してください。無理してスケジュールを実行する必要はありません。










ちょこちょこ うさこ

English Ver

Welcome to Chokochoko Usako’s Blog! I’m so happy you stopped by.

I’m raising three kids—two boys and a girl.

After going through the experience of giving birth and raising three children, I finally got to just adore my third baby. It was only with the third that I could truly enjoy these precious days. Through this experience, I learned that these two things are essential:

  • Using an electric breast pump
  • Understanding the baby’s schedule (when they get sleepy)

I believe this will be helpful for the following people:

  • Those who are pregnant and are unsure about what their daily schedule will be like after giving birth
  • New moms who are already feeling overwhelmed with life with a newborn
  • Those who have read Gina Ford’s book but still aren’t sure what to do

I hope that moms who are struggling, just like I once did, can find some peace of mind and enjoy their time with their adorable babies.

I’ll be sharing my personal experiences, along with the actual schedules I used, so be sure to check them out!

※ The schedule is above.


Personal Experience: Struggling with Breastfeeding and Getting My Baby to Sleep

“I was determined to raise my baby with exclusive breastfeeding!”

But the milk just wouldn’t come in. I was desperate to breastfeed, but during the first attempt, I ended up with bleeding from my nipples. Every time I nursed, I gritted my teeth and endured the pain. Even so, the amount of milk didn’t increase. I kept wondering what was going wrong, so I searched online and started going to lactation consultations and massage therapy.

But in the end, I couldn’t exclusively breastfeed. In fact, I used mostly formula instead of my milk.

I felt guilty for waking my baby up with the slightest sound after they had finally fallen asleep. In the middle of the night, I would hold my baby and walk up and down the hallway of the house, singing lullabies for what felt like forever. I had no idea when my baby would fall asleep or wake up.

Electric Breast Pump

With my first baby, I don’t think I ever pumped breast milk. I don’t remember being taught about it either at the hospital or at lactation consultations.

The more the baby sucks on the breast, the more the brain recognizes that the breasts are needed, and the milk supply increases.

In the schedule I’ll be sharing in this article, there are many pumping sessions. If it’s financially possible, I highly recommend purchasing an electric pump rather than a manual one.

Postpartum Schedule

I’m sharing a table of postpartum life schedules based on the Gina Ford and Ferber methods, customized for my own use.

There are a total of 9 different types of schedules.

  • 1 week postpartum
  • 2 to 4 weeks
  • 4 to 6 weeks
  • 6 to 8 weeks
  • 8 to 12 weeks
  • 3 to 4 months
  • 4 to 6 months
  • 6 to 9 months
  • 9 to 12 months

Note! Please use the schedule as a guideline and follow it loosely. There’s no need to strictly stick to the schedule if it feels too overwhelming.

Words That Saved Me

When I was really struggling because my milk wouldn’t come out, I started crying in front of my parents and in-laws. I was frustrated and ashamed. I was thinking, “Why isn’t this working even though I’m trying so hard?” Those feelings welled up, and the tears wouldn’t stop.

At that moment, my mother-in-law said: “Don’t worry. No matter how hard I tried, my milk didn’t come out either. Sometimes things just don’t work out.”

Those words really touched my heart. Until then, I’d seen advice on the internet like, “Don’t force yourself, just use formula,” but I always resisted it. Maybe it was my pride, but I felt like I was giving up if I used formula.

I respect my husband a lot. It hit me: “Oh, he was raised on formula, and look how well he turned out.” It made me realize that whether it’s breast milk or formula doesn’t really matter. With that thought, the tension in my heart melted away. I’m still grateful to my mother-in-law for comforting me.

Thank you for reading!
I’ll continue posting more articles, so please visit again.
Chocochoco Usako

