- 過去の自分と現在の自分を比較することができる
- 具体的な未来(1年後~5年後)を想像することで、今に感謝できる
2月13日 | 2月14日 | 2月15日 | 2月16日 |
2024年______________ | 2024年______________ | 2024年______________ | 2024年______________ |
2025年______________ | 2025年______________ | 2025年______________ | 2025年______________ |
2026年______________ | 2026年______________ | 2026年______________ | 2026年______________ |
2027年______________ | 2027年______________ | 2027年______________ | 2027年______________ |
2028年______________ | 2028年______________ | 2028年______________ | 2028年______________ |
利点1 過去の自分と現在の自分を比較することができる
次男が小学校に入学した時、なかなか学校生活に慣れずチック※が出現したり、学校に行きたがらなかったことが日記に書いてあります。今は、毎朝 元気に登校してくれています。元気に登校してくれているのは当たり前なことではなく、次男が大きく成長しているからだと再認識することができました。
チックとは、無意識的に体の一部を素早く動かすことを指す言葉です。ストレスや環境の変化に対する反応として一時的に出現することが多いですが、もしチックが長い期間 続く場合や生活に支障をきたす場合は、専門の医師に相談することをお勧めします。
利点2 具体的な未来(1年後~5年後)を想像することで、今に感謝できる
The Benefits of Keeping a 5-Year Diary
Are you keeping a diary?
I’ve been keeping a “5-Year Diary.” I’m about to enter my third year of it.
The two benefits of the “5-Year Diary” that I’ve noticed are these:
- You can compare past and present versions of yourself.
- By imagining a specific future (1-5 years ahead) helps you appreciate the present.
Have you ever seen a “5-Year Diary”?
It allows you to record five years’ worth of entries on one page. The one I use is structured like this:
Feb 13th | Feb 14th | Feb 15th | Feb 16th |
2024______________ | 2024______________ | 2024______________ | 2024______________ |
2025______________ | 2025______________ | 2025______________ | 2025______________ |
2026______________ | 2026______________ | 2026______________ | 2026______________ |
2027______________ | 2027______________ | 2027______________ | 2027______________ |
2028______________ | 2028______________ | 2028______________ | 2028______________ |
Originally, my grandfather, who was a farmer, started keeping a “5-Year Diary.” After he passed away, my father discovered it among his belongings. Later, my father began his own 5-Year Diary, and then I started mine.
Benefit 1: Comparing Past and Present Versions of Yourself
The “5-Year Diary” becomes especially interesting from the second year onward. When you look back on things from a year ago, there are many things you’ve simply forgotten. For example, I can see that we went on a family trip to a certain place or remember what the birthday present for my eldest son was last year. It’s such a fun time to reflect on those moments by looking back at the diary entries from a year ago, or from previous years.
Also, as we go about our daily routines, it’s difficult to compare ourselves with our past selves, and we tend to compare ourselves to others instead. But with the “5-Year Diary,” your past entries are clearly recorded, so it’s easy to make those comparisons. When you do, you realize things like:
- Things that have been consistent since the past:
“I’ve kept up with my morning stretches since last year! I’m doing great!” This boosts my self-esteem. - Growth compared to the past:
When my younger son started elementary school, he struggled to adapt and showed signs of tics*. I can read about how he didn’t want to go to school. Now, he happily goes to school every morning. It’s easy to take this for granted, but looking back, I realized how much he’s grown.
*Tics refer to rapid, involuntary movements of parts of the body. They often appear as a response to stress or changes in environment, and if tics persist for a long time or interfere with daily life, it’s recommended to consult a specialist. - Things I used to do but have stopped doing:
A year ago, I was diligently studying every morning for a certification exam! Now, I’m motivated to challenge myself again, inspired by my past self.
Benefit 2: Imagining a Specific Future (1 to 5 years ahead) Helps You Appreciate the Present
As I write today’s entry, I’m aware of the blank space below, which represents the entries I’ll write in the coming years. For example, my daughter, who is 3 years old now, will be in preschool next year. Will she have made new friends? Will she still enjoy going to school? Imagining these future scenarios makes me appreciate the present.
Right now, it feels natural to spend every day with her, but in a year, our time together will be much less. Realizing this makes me cherish the time we have now. I don’t need to lose something to understand its value—I can appreciate what I have now.
What I Write in My Diary
Here are the three main things I write about in my diary:
- Daily Events
I write about things like where I went, what sweets I made, or my children’s cute actions—essentially, normal diary entries. - Notes About Goals
At the beginning of each year, I set goals for myself. These notes are related to those goals. For example, if my goal is to earn a certification, I might write that I completed pages 50 to 54 of a workbook or that I scored 97 on a mock exam. Writing these things helps me stay focused on my goals and makes me feel like I’m making progress. - Reading Notes
I love reading and finish hundreds of books each year. I copy down favorite phrases or important pieces of knowledge from the books I read. These notes aren’t written in the diary space, but rather in a free space that appears at the end of each month, or in the free space at the back of the book. In the past, I kept a separate “reading notebook” for these notes, but I didn’t review it much. Now, by writing them in my 5-Year Diary, I’m able to look back at them regularly, even if I don’t actively plan to.
In this post, I’ve shared the benefits of the “5-Year Diary” and how I personally use it.
Would you like to start a “5-Year Diary” too, and experience the growth of yourself and your children?